Professional manuscript services for writers of all levels

Why a Freelance Editor?   

Today’s writers face unprecedented challenges to their dreams of becoming published authors. Publishers and agents are only interested in seeing highly polished manuscripts. Without support, it can be an arduous experience trying to break through the barriers. Knowledgeable guidance can make the difference. Cynthia Cozad Creative Services is helping writers by providing personal manuscript services to writers of all levels.

A Collaborative Effort     I understand how important your writing is to you. You’ve spent months, or even years working on your novel, memoir, children’s book, play, or work of non-fiction. Your goal is to see it published. My personal services are geared to your needs. As a published author and editor, I bring respect, skill, and personal service that will benefit your work. I can help you shape your writing and guide you along the road to publication.
CCCS Services     Whether you require simple proofreading, a full line edit, critique of your manuscript, or format guidelines, I can assist you. CCCS services are customized to your needs. Depending upon your requirements, I also offer developmental editing, rewriting, researching, indexing, and ghostwriting.
Let’s Get Started     You’ll be able to talk with me and together we’ll decide how I might best serve you. There is never a charge for my initial consultation. I enjoy working closely with writers and assisting in the development of new talent. You have a voice and a story to tell. I look forward to helping you shine.

Cynthia Cozad
Cynthia Cozad Creative Services
Cincinnati, Ohio
(513) 708-4902

Monday - Friday 12 noon to 6 p.m.
Saturday and Sunday by appointment


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